Sunday, June 7, 2015

Following Rules: Lesson 1

What is a rule?

A rule is a law or direction that tells us what to do and what not to do.

We follow rules in our life everyday.

Some rules keep us safe.

Don't cross the street without a grown up.

Don't run in the house.

Always wear your seat-belt.

Those rules make sure you don't get hurt.

Some rules help us get along with others.

Don't push.

Don't yell inside the library.

Don't call others people names.

Those are all rules that help us respect others.

Some rules even protect the things we own.

Don't write on the walls.

Put your toys away.

Don't drink or eat on the couch.

All those rules make sure that the things we own don't get broken or damaged.

Can you think of any rules that keep us safe?

Manners: Coughing and Sneezing

One of the reasons we use good manners is to show that we care about other people.

When we cough or sneeze, we spray germs into the air. If other people come into contact with those germs, they can become sick.

It is good manners to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough so that the people around you don't get ill.

One way to cover your mouth and nose is to sneeze or cough into your elbow.

Another way is to sneeze or cough into a tissue then throw the tissue away. Make sure to wash your hands afterwards. 

Don't forget to say "Excuse Me" after you sneeze or cough! 

Here's a video to help you remember!

Can you practice coughing into your elbow?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Time: Seconds and Minutes

The Concept of Time 
Seconds and Minutes

We have lots of ways of measuring time. Sometimes a clock is used to measure how many hours have passed in a day. Sometimes less specific words, like before and after, are used to describe when something happened or will happen. Knowing how to measure time helps us understand things like how long it will take cookies to bake, when you should go to bed, and how long it is until your birthday. 

Here are some specific measurements of time.


A second is a very small amount of time, about the time it takes for Mommy to say "Mississippi." Mommy is going to set the count-down timer for one second...

Wow! That was fast. Sometimes people will measure time in units less than a second, but for most people a second is the smallest measure of time they use in their normal day.


A group of sixty seconds is called a minute. A minute is also a fairly small amount of time. It takes about a minute for Daddy to make Aiden's oatmeal in the morning. It's about the time it takes to wash your hands. It's also about the length of two commercials during a video. Now, Mommy is going to set the count-down timer for one minute...

That took a little more time, but it was still pretty fast. People use minutes to measure lots of things like how long it takes for food to cook or how long a car ride is going to take.

Today, we're going to time some of the things we do everyday and write down how many minutes and seconds each thing took. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Learning About Sentences Part 1

What is a Sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that asks a question or tells about something.

"The car is blue." is a sentence that tells about the car.

"What color is the dog?" is a sentence that asks about the dog.

Sentences are made of words.

There   are   spaces  between  the words  of  a  sentence.

These worksheets will help you count the words in sentences.

Sentence Worksheet 1

Sentence Worksheet 2

Learning About Sentences Part 2

We know that a sentence is a group of words, but did you know that not every group of words is a sentence?

To be a sentence, a group of words must express a complete thought.

Below are some group of words. Which group is a sentence?

A. Green house
B. The house is small.
C. Brown door

B is the only group of words that is a sentence because it is the only group of words that expresses a complete thought. 

The following worksheets will help you build sentences.

Sentence Worksheet 3
Sentence Worksheet 4

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Number Word Three

Number words are hard to remember sometimes, so let's take a look at one that can be really tough.

Three is a great number. Three little pigs, three bears, three blind mice. Face it, three is awesome.


Let's read "The Three Little Pigs"  but remember, every time you see the word "three," YOU have to read it. 

After you're done reading, practice writing the word "three" with these worksheets.

Three Worksheet 1

Three Worksheet 2

After that, have some fun and watch this video.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Are Mushrooms?

The picture on the right is of mushrooms. People eat some kinds of mushrooms, but they aren't plants or animals. Mushrooms are a type of fungus.

Mushrooms grow in many shapes and colors. Some are very small and some can be quite large. 

Mushrooms grow in the wild, but most of the mushrooms that people in the United States eat are grown by farmers. You should never eat a mushroom you find growing outside unless an adult you trust says you can. Some mushrooms are poisonous and can hurt you.

Mushroom Facts

Some mushrooms glow in the dark.

Mushrooms grow from spores.

Mushrooms don't need sunlight to grow like plants do.

The type of mushroom shown in the picture above was the model for the mushrooms in "Super Mario Brothers."

Here  is a fun mushroom coloring sheet.